Magnet Program Expectations

Below outlines the expectations for the performance and continuation in a magnet program.

Enrollment Standards

  1. The magnet school becomes a student’s assigned school once enrolled. Students are expected to remain enrolled in the program for the entire academic year.
  2. Withdrawal from the magnet school is not permitted during the school year for the remainder of the time a student is enrolled in the program. Should you wish to withdraw your child, it must be at the end of the school year.
  3. If a student-athlete returns to their zoned school or makes any other subsequent changes in enrollment, they would be ineligible for the remainder of that school year and for 180 school days in any sport as per NIAA (Nevada Interscholastic Activities Association). (Middle and High School only)

Academic Standards

  1. Students must maintain a minimum grade point average of a 2.0 (C average).
  2. Students who earn a D or F in coursework may be placed on probation as defined by the school.
  3. While the school will work with families to ensure the academic success of each student, the student will be required to meet the expectations of the program. A student coming in academically deficient in coursework related to the program to which they applied will be asked to participate in the following which may include, but not be limited to: additional activities, tutoring, and/or additional coursework so that they may be successful in the program.

Attendance Standards

  1. Students must maintain good attendance while attending a magnet program.
  2. Students that earn 10 or more absences (excused or unexcused) within a semester will be placed on probation.
  3. Students accumulating excessive tardies will be placed on probation. (This will be based upon school site policies.)

Behavior Standards

  1. Students that receive a suspension will be placed on probation.
  2. Students that are referred for expulsion and/or are formally expelled may be dismissed from the magnet program.
  3. Students must earn a minimum of S-satisfactory behavior in all of their classes. Students earning an N-needs improvement or U-unsatisfactory will be placed on probation.

Magnet Program Probation

Students that violate any of the guidelines pertaining to academics, attendance, behavior, or any combination of the three items will be placed on probation.

Probationary Process

  • STEP 1: Students will be placed on probation if they are in violation of the contract.
  • STEP 2: A probation conference will be scheduled with the parent/guardian to discuss the conditions of the probation.
  • STEP 3: Conditions of the probation. A student may be required to partake in the following activities in order to meet the requirements of the probation which may include but not be limited to: summer school, online credit retrieval, after-school tutoring, community service, campus beautification, or other school-based requirement.

Students that do not meet the obligations of their probation may be dismissed from the program at the end of the school year or prior to the following school year.

Contact Information
(702) 799-8492
Mon – Fri 7:00 A.M. – 3:30 P.M.
Social Info
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