Selection Process

Lottery Selection

SchoolMint is the computer application system used to collect magnet school applications and conduct a computerized, random lottery to select applicants for available magnet seats. Once the application closes on the second Tuesday of January, applications are processed, and scores (high school only) are calculated to determine which applicants will be included in the lottery. In scenarios where magnet schools or programs receive more applications than there are seats, the lottery system designates students not selected in the initial draw to an “Alternate Pool” status.

Lottery Preferences

Students are eligible to receive one or more preferences in the magnet lottery process. The District generally reserves up to 25% of the seats available in a magnet program for students who apply to a magnet school and are eligible to receive a preference in the lottery.

In order to be considered for a preference, an application must be received by the annually specified deadline. Preferences are only applied to a student’s first choice on-time application. To be eligible for a preference at the secondary level, the applicant must meet the magnet school program qualifications.

If the qualified applicants eligible for a preference comprise more than 25% of the available seats, students will be selected through a computerized, random lottery process to fill the seats. The qualified applicants who are not selected will be placed in the general lottery.

Contact Information
(702) 799-8492
Mon – Fri 7:00 A.M. – 3:30 P.M.
Social Info
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